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Form is a collective set of inputs used to collect the data from the user. It is also used to collect the required information in a logical, meaningful manner for communication. It can be furnished as adaptive cards and can confirm inputs on submission.

Form element can be used in various scenarios like:

  • Gathering Feedback from users
  • Doing surveys
  • Online website orders

Following is a screenshot of the Form dialog element in its default state::

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This dialog element can be customized using following fields:

  • Execution: Configuration to decide when to execute the respective Dialog Element. The options are as follows,

    • Enabled: The Dialog Element will be executed everytime the dialog is executed.
    • Disabled: The Dialog Element will never be executed even if the dialog is executed.
    • Condition: Depending on certain condition, the Dialog Element is executed.

    For a detailed explanation of Conditions, click here.

  • Title: This is the title of the form.

There are two types of forms that can be created:

  1. Adaptive Card: The created form will be displayed to the chatbot user as an adaptive card.
  2. Confirm on Submit: The created form will take inputs from the user in the form of separate messages. At the end of the form, all the input values will be displayed to the user and the user will be asked for confirmation.

Once the form is created, users will be redirected to the form. Users can add inputs inside the form. Inputs can be of various types like text, choice, number, date, and time.


For a detailed explanation on Inputs, click here.